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Dungeon Master of None

Dec 27, 2019

As our holiday gift to you, DMs Matt and Rob countdown 100 Dungeon Master tips in a MEGA-EPISODE. Enjoy! 



Pac Div - Roll the Dice

RJD2 - Ghostwriter

Ratatat - Gettysburg 

Lead Belly - Midnight Special

Visigoth - Dungeon Master

Dec 19, 2019

Matt and Rob, always timely, review the Witcher RPG, and have, uh, a lot to say about it. There's a lot of cursing in this one, sorry.


Pac Div - Roll the Dice

Mazurek DÄ…browskiego (Polish National Anthem)

Karliene - Lullaby of Woe

Eon - Dancing With Monsters

Monster Hunter World Rap - JT Music

Fatboy Slim...

Dec 11, 2019

Matt and Rob attempt to do something new: worldbuilding through collaborative role-playing using the Microscope RPG system. Our first actual playish episode. 

Microscope RPG by Ben Robbins and Lame Mage Production

Our final play board can be viewed here!


Pac Div - Rolle the Dice

Tracy Chapman - Fast Car


Dec 5, 2019

Matt and Rob discuss a couple of new UAs and answer some mail, make sure to listen to the end, where we give advice on how to be a coward for fun and profit!


Pac Div - Roll the Dice
Tennessee Mafia Jug Band "Turkey In The Straw"
E-40 - Choices (Yup)
Geinoh Yamashirogumi - "Tetsuo"
Cats In The Cradle-Harry...

Nov 27, 2019

Matt and Rob review the official Eberron hardcover source book for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, Eberron: Rising from the Last War.



Pac Div - Roll the Dice

The Doors - The Changeling