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Dungeon Master of None

Aug 31, 2023

DMs Rob and Matt review Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book. Spoilers: it's good.



Aug 26, 2023

Matt and Rob discuss a contentious topic -- power gaming! Come listen to find out why it's cool and good, actually.

Hey D&D Powergamers...

On Power Gaming

The Stormwind Fallacy


Pac Div - Roll the Dice
Kanye West - Power
Puiblic Enemy - Fight the...

Aug 12, 2023

Matt and Rob sink their teeth into the biggest, bloodiest, sexiest dracula-having RPG around: Vampire: the Masquerade! We only scratch (bite?) the surface of what's possible, but it should give you a taste of what's to store in this world of darkness...


Pac Div - Roll the...

Aug 3, 2023

Has an older sibling, friend, or classmate introduced you to "role playing fantasy games?" Make sure your parents are in the room for this one, as Matt and Rob take a trip through the tail end of the Satanic Panic in the Imagination Station to Odyssey, U.S.A. and the Focus on the Family's 1990 radio play, "Castles...